Journey to the Sacred: The San Pedro Plant Medicine Ceremony

For over 3,000 years, the spiritual leaders of the Andes Mountains in Peru have led San Pedro plant medicine ceremonies. This ancient healing ritual is a reunion with the self, Mother Nature, and the Divine. It breaks through self-created barriers and reconnects you to your heart. Discover the gentle, yet profound healing powers of San Pedro Ceremony, an ancient ritual and reawakening to move beyond self-limiting beliefs and reconnect with the higher self.


Origins of the San Pedro Ceremony

San Pedro (Echinopsis pachanoi), basioniem: trichocereus pachanoi, is a cactus native to the Andes Mountains and grows at 2,000–3,000 m (6,600–9,800 ft) in altitude. Called the Huachuma in the Quechua language of Peru, San Pedro is the master of healing plants. It’s Spanish name, San Pedro, means Saint Peter, given for its psychedelic effects that allows the mind "to reach heaven while still on earth."

Archaeological evidence tells us that healers have used San Pedro for religious divination as far back as 3,000 years ago! Healers extract the psychedelic plant medicine primarily made of mescaline from the cactus plant.

According to Psychedelic Times, the Chavín culture of the west coast of South America used this plant medicine as far back as 1200 BCE. Carvings on ancient temples show images of deities holding the sacred cactus.


Plant Medicine and the Q’ero Shamans

“Members of Q’ero that practice healing and religion are shamans called Paqos. They are holy men or women that are capable of healing both external wounds and—most importantly—wounds of the soul. ”

In the Sacred Valley of Peru, the Q’ero Incan Shamans continue to practice the ancient healing traditions of their ancestors. Q’ero healing relies on the connection between human and nature. They are “Earth Healers, who turn to plant medicine from Mother Earth along with the energy from the stars and planets to cleanse auras, open inner vision, open the heart, clear genetic ancestral diseases, and build energy fields.


For the Q’ero, Mother Earth provides the ultimate healing remedies through her plant medicine. Ayahuasca, kambo, chuchuhuasi, rapé, cacao naturally spring from the soil and provide unrivaled healing for the mind, body, and soul.

The Q’ero consider San Pedro one of the five most important healing plants from the jungle, and some consider San Pedro the greatest of all plant teachers. Shamans and spiritual leaders of the region have used this cactus plant for generations to provide personal transformation and support the path to healing. Shamans also take San Pedro themselves to expand awareness.

The Ceremony

During the San Pedro Ceremony, the Q’ero shamans guide participants in a safe environment as they experience visions and spiritual awakening. Leading up to the ceremony, patients undergo 24 hours of fasting. The ceremony takes place at night, before a mesa, an altar made of shells, ceramics, and images of gods or saints which serves as a diagram to guide the journey.

Participants consume the huachuma plant medicine, which tastes slightly bitter. When ingested, the extract of San Pedro impacts neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. Patients take the cactus during a purification rite, sometimes through tobacco suspended in alcohol sent through the nose with a snail shell. People may also consume huachuma as a dried powder or as a tea.

Those who have participated in the plant medicine ceremony describe it as a process that opens the mind like a flower. Like the night-blooming flower of the cactus, so too does your mind blossom during the evening ceremony.


After about one to two hours, the active substance begins to take effect. Like in life, each person has their unique experience. Some may experience nausea, although this also varies from person to person. As the effects set in, a lucid dream-like experience takes over and the body feels numb. The journey back to oneself begins to unveil, a process that lasts between eight to 15 hours.

The plant opens the third eye to subconscious states of higher awareness, unlocking secrets from the divine. But those who have participated explain that the San Pedro effect is more calming and not as physical compared to other psychotropics, like Peyote which also contains mescaline.

You experience a greater sensitivity to light, perceiving every ray and beyond to divine light. You may develop greater senses. People and beings beyond the normal human perception begin to appear. Suddenly, memories, long-forgotten, come to the surface. You recall events from the past, hearing and seeing those visions return to your consciousness from afar.

The plant medicine ritual helps release emotions stored in the body. A person may experience a spectrum of emotions throughout the ceremony. They may laugh, cry, or scream. They no longer suppress their experience and finally release inner feelings until they transcend to love. You journey through waves of extreme emotion, from intense joy to deep sorrow.

You have probably heard of the Ayahuasca ceremony. To the Q’ero, Ayahuasca is experienced as a grandmother energy, Huachuma has a grandfather energy. These energies complement each other, making huachuma an excellent choice to better integrate your healing experiences and insights of these plant medicines into your daily life.

Why participate in the San Pedro Ceremony?

  • To gain insight into yourself and the universe

  • To tap into lost parts of your soul

  • To break free from karmic cycles, such as addictions or mood disorders

  • To discover the deeper meaning of life

  • To overcome blockages To reach states of higher consciousness

  • To experience transformational healing from trauma

A psychedelic plant medicine, San Pedro is illegal in some parts of the world. It is legal in Peru, where the Q’ero shamans continue to guide patients through their plant medicine journey and spiritual awakening.

You can join a ceremony led by the experienced Q’ero shaman, who can guide you through the journey of healing and transformation. Through the San Pedro Ceremony, you gain the wisdom of this beautiful plant medicine. You expand awareness with yourself, with others, and the universe.

Will you answer the call to reconnect with yourself and Mother Earth through plant medicine? Join Seeking Sacred Journeys and the Q'ero Shaman on a journey of spiritual awakening. Explore the Andes, connect with Mother Earth, and with the Cosmos.