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Anusara Yoga

Anusara means “flowing with Grace” and as such promotes deep personal growth and transformation on all levels. Anusara yoga aligns your mind, body, and heart, thus giving you the opportunity to connect to your deeper self. It is a unique form of Hatha yoga that gives people of all backgrounds and abilities the opportunity to improve strength, flexibility, and balance. Anusara goes beyond fitness by supporting practitioner’s creativity and joyful self-discovery.

Also referred to as “Root to Rise”


Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a powerful meditation technique where the mind remains conscious during the normally “unconscious” state associated with deep sleep. Practiced in the lying position, it induces a profoundly deep state of rest.

Yoga Nidra takes your awareness deep into parts of you that tension often prevents you from accessing. As you systematically relax each part of your physical body and move your awareness to your subtle layers, emotions, and deeper mind, you will release blockages and rejuvenate your whole self.


Restorative Yoga

By relaxing in poses supported with props, and without strain or pain, you will achieve deep physical, mental and emotional relaxation

The slower pace and deep breathing that you get in a restorative yoga class triggers the parasympathetic nervous system from the very first pose. This activation helps to mitigate the effects of the regular fight-or-flight stress response that can be damaging to your physiology and well-being.

A deeply healing and nourishing form of yoga suitable for all levels.