Each of our teachers is an expert in her individual field. Each has a mission to be fully present and focused on you and your needs - and to offer you support and guidance to help you get the most out of your retreat.
One holistically blended program, designed specifically to meet the challenges of this unprecedented time and its unique demands — all in an intimate small group setting.
Body, mind and spirit, we’ve got you.
Throughout the week we will compassionately support and guide you through a uniquely crafted experience that actively promotes your healing, wholeness, and life force expansion. We have offerings designed to nurture, strengthen and enhance your physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual health. You’ll go home not only feeling relaxed and refreshed, but you’ll also have more clarity, inner-peace, calm, vitality, resilience and inspiration.
Nourish & Energize your Body
Enjoy morning Hatha yoga and an afternoon Restorative practice every day.
Participate in stress management and digestive health break-out sessions, as well as receive personalized nutritional guidance.
Treat your body to delicious, nutritious organic food; rejuvenating spa services, swim, sunbathe, walk on beach, and literally soak in the natural beauty and healing properties of Costa Rica.
Cultivate Self-love
Join trauma informed facilitator, and mindset coach Angela McKinney in our “Sacred Circle Group” — an experiential, transpersonal approach to cultivating self-love, connection and empowerment.
Be gently guided through techniques to help re-member, re-frame, and re-claim your authentic Self, by releasing the pains of the past and establishing healthy self-esteem and inspirational goals for the future.
Connect to the Wisdom of your Soul
Intuitive Guide and Spiritual Coach and Metaphysical Teacher, Rebecca Baldwin, will guide you through techniques designed to take your spiritual practice to the next level, enhance your intuitive abilities and align you with your soul’s purpose.
You’ll also have the opportunity to receive private soul coaching sessions and receive Tarot readings, Akashic records readings and channeled messages from your Spirit Guides.
Empowerment and growth occur when the Body, Mind, and Spirit are all three are aligned with your moment to moment “inner and outer” world experiences. Seeking Sacred Journeys has separated the pieces of your individual wholeness into learning modules, allowing you, the divine human being, to put them back together again the way they were designed to be – clear of blockages and in balanced harmony with one another.
Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.
B.K.S. Iyengar